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Crystal production


From a material industry perspective:

* Macroscopic crystal production, for supply the demand of natural-like crystals with methods that "accelerate time-scale" for massive production and/or perfection:
o ionic crystal production;
o covalent crystal production.
* Tiny size crystals:
o Powder, sand and smaller sizes: using methods for powder and controlled (nanotechnology fruits) forms.
+ Mass-production: on chemical industry, like salt-powder production.
+ Sample production: small production of tiny crystals for material characterization. Controlled recrystallization is an important method to supply unusual crystals, that are needed to reveal the molecular structure and nuclear forces inside a typical molecule of a crystal. Many techniques, like X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, are widely used in chemistry and biochemistry to determine the structures of an immense variety of molecules, including inorganic compounds and bio-macromolecules.
o Thin film production.

Massive production examples:

* "Powder salt for food" industry;
* Silicon crystal wafer production.
* Production of sucrose from sugar beet, where the sucrose is crystallized out from an aqueous solution.

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