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Ester reactions


Esters react in a number of ways:

* Esters may undergo hydrolysis - the breakdown of an ester by water. This process can be catalyzed both by acids and bases. The base-catalyzed process is called saponification. The hydrolysis yields an alcohol and a carboxylic acid or its carboxylate salt.
* Esters also react if heated with primary or secondary amines, producing amides.
* Phenyl esters react to hydroxyarylketones in the Fries rearrangement.
* Di-esters such as diethyl malonate react as nucleophile with alkyl halides in the malonic ester synthesis after deprotonation.
* Specific esters are functionalized with an α-hydroxyl group in the Chan rearrangement.
* Esters are converted to isocyanates through intermediate hydroxamic acids in the Lossen rearrangement.
* Esters with β-hydrogen atoms can be converted to alkenes in ester pyrolysis.

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